4 Famous, Successful People Who Overcame Underdog Situations and Negative Words to Fulfill Purpose

They cut me down with sharpened tongues; they aim their bitter words like arrows straight at my heart. (Psalm 64:3, The Living Bible)
Have you ever told someone about a project you were working on, only to hear them respond in distasteful amazement, “You?” Their response was a doubtful surprise and code for, “How could someone like you attempt something like that?” The world is full of haters and naysayers but the good news is their negative, bitter words aren’t the final edict, judge or jury on your life and purpose. Here are four famous, successful people who encountered that same “You?” attitude as well as negative words and underdog situations to overachieve.
Walt Disney was told he lacked creativity. Subsequently, he built a creative empire and books have been written about his creative genius. (Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/240492)
A number of people said Pastor Paula White
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